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Need Presentations for Your AAPC Local Chapter? CCO Presents FREE!


Laureen Jandroep

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Laureen: This slide is to let you know if you are involved in a AAPC local chapter or any coding group, or you would want us to come speak for you. We don’t have to live near you, we can do it remotely just like we’re doing now we can do that for your chapter. We don’t charge, so let the chapter officers know to get in touch with us through [email protected].

We’ve got a pretty smooth process and we ask a lot of the groups to take a selfie of the group and send it to us. Here’s one of a chapter in Georgia that did that. This is a list of the topics that we already have pre-prepared and what’s nice is we get on, we facilitate, you talk with me, Alicia or Chandra, but if there’s a power outage you at least have a downloaded version to play for the chapter, so that’s kind of nice. If you’re interested, you can go to https://www.cco.us/remote-presentations/ or just email [email protected] and they can send you more info.

Alicia: We’ve been doing a lot in Georgia, that’s why they’re gaining on the other guys in webinar.

Related AAPC Local Chapter – CCO Remote Presentation Posts:

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Well-Known Member
CCO Club Member
What a great idea! I have been at our group meetings where we were looking for free speakers. CCO would be very beneficial. I will pass this information along.